As many of you know I am a real estate Broker at the coast of North Carolina so with that being said you may also understand the title of my blog today. Its finally closing day!!!
Closing, which many would refer to is when you finish or end something such as a book. In the real estate world it is what we call "payday"! Closing is when the deal you have been working on for months or maybe years finally comes to an end; where the posession of real estate transfers from one owner to another.
The NC coast like many other areas of the country has been seriously experiencing a big downturn in sales of real estate. So, when I say its closing day that is a great day in my profession. Seeing that the last closing I experienced was sometime in the fall of 2008 before it got cold and Christmas came, I am thrilled today. Yes, it has been that long for some of us.
Luckily for many, the market is turning around and the banks are starting to let loose of some of the money that is available at those wonderful interest rates you hear about on the national morning shows. If you follow any of that information they are always telling you about different areas of the country you can find some great deals. Eastern/ Coastal North Carolina is the place you should be looking. We have some of the best deals on the beach at this particular time. Many owners are offering super incentives and bonus's for buyers. If you know of someone who is interested in investing in a property tell them to check out the homes in this area. .
Anyway, back to closing day......... this afternoon we will go to the attorney's office and pick up the check for our part of the commission on this sale. It will be a wonderful feeling to put that into my bank account, only to see it leave again tommorrow!!!! But for one short moment in time I will have a feeling of accomplishment for being a part of this deal. The best part of it is that I have helped someone. I have helped the seller to get this particular property sold and that he is able to move on with his next investment. Many of these sellers immediately take the profits and move it into another purchase.
Tomorrow is another day......... I will move forward looking towards the next "closing day" which I hope will not be another 6 months from now!!!! I don't think my bank account can stand another dry spell such as the past one! I look forward to taking my check to the bank and it staying there for awhile, rather than going back out in another check the next day! The encouraging thing is that the market is picking up, and many of my friends and co-workers are experiencing their own "closing days" as well. So, I am thinking maybe the commentators that report the sales of real estate is down; should be talking to some of us here in Coastal NC, because the world could use some good news!!! Its "closing day!"
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