Friday, July 31, 2009

Ever have one of those weeks??

This has been a crazy week. It never seems to work out the way you thought it would when the alarm goes off on Monday mornings. I think some days I am semi-retired because my body says "go back to sleep" and my alarm says "get up". I have found that I used to get the alarm to go off about 7:00 am then sometime shortly after that I find a way to pry my eyes open and get up. Well most days my sweet grandson Sawyer is popping thru the door about 7:15 when his dad my son drops him on his way to work. Why in the world people start work so early is beyond me. This self employed thing is the way to go!!! Now Sawyer expects his Lucky Charms and milk to be about ready when he comes in because its been a long night for a little guy!!!
Since he has been on vacation in PA I haven't had my routine of getting out of bed. Today I think about 8:00 I finally scooped the sand out of my eyes and found a way to stagger to the bathroom for eyedrops. Not good!!! Heck some people have been at work for over an hour already!! Maybe I do Like Real Estate after all.

I did also sell a house this week. Well I guess the proper thing is that I got a contract on my listing. The only problem is that when it closes, my grandson will be moving to Wilmington. His mother is going to school there and wants to move there. I guess it won't be too bad but only about an hours drive. Great shopping and eating in Wilmington. Then again it could be further and I wouldn't like that at all. No more early morning breakfasts at 7:15 for this grandma. Maybe over vacations he can come and stay with us some. He is starting kindergarden and she wants to get him into his new school to start, and I agree it would be good for him.
He is anxious and ready to start school so I want it to be a good experience for him.

My Friend Tammie has been visiting us all week. She came in on Saturday and we enjoyed a leisurely day on the beach Sunday and this week she has been soaking in the rays of the Carolina sun and surf. Sounds like yesterday she got caught up in a Rip Tide which is something that happens a lot around this area. She was saying that she was jumping the waves and then suddenly her feet got taken out from under her and that another wave hit her from behind. (This is commonly described by a lot of people I have heard). She said she hit her shoulder hard on the ocean floor and then got up and out as fast as she could. I believe she will be sore today.
Always be careful when playing in the surf and if its windy be extra careful because it is not a normal beach day!!! I can't tell you how many near drownings and actual drownings we have had in the past few years because of that.

So, Friday at work is chugging along and the weather is hot and humid. Lots of visitors at our beach and I hope they are enjoying the summer. I look forward to going to look at wedding dresses with my daughter this weekend. She is getting married one year from today so the clock is ticking!!! Knowing her she will use every minute to come up with all of the things she has been dreaming of. Who will be the person to stop that? Not me!! Dream girl..... I hope to do all I can to make it come true for her.
If you havn't been out in the summer sun and enjoyed an ice cream cone or a walk in the park, I challenge you to do it this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I won't be out in the sun, eating ice cream OR taking a walk this weekend! It's to rain, for one thing and I'll be busy cleaning and baking cookies for a funeral reception. And packing. And doing laundry. And ironing...And tell does one possibly sleep that late? My body won't allow me to sleep past 6:30, if I'm lucky!! Enjoy it!!
