Who out there wouldn't want a vacation about now? I don't think anyone in this country would not be game to go somewhere that is a different place than where they now are. Have you thought about it at all? I have and have decided to take a few vacations in the next few months. I will be leaving to go to Vegas soon. Have you ever been there? Its a great place, lots to do, plenty of shows, places to see and things to do. Normally we don't go to just gamble but I have been known to do a little slot machine action. I love the "Wheel of Fortune" games. I have played them many times and they are a lot of fun. Usually we play the $1.00 slot so that we can make more money. I played one time and won $2500.00 in one spin. Yes, the lights went to blinking and the machine has a bell that just rings until someone comes and shuts it off. No, the little machine doesn't dispense $2500.00 in quarters they do it in dollar bills. $100.00 dollar bills to be exact. Now let me tell you that if you win this kind of money you can do one of two things, One, being continue to play and give it all back to the casino over a time span or Two (which is what I did) I cashed in and got my cash immediately. One does not continue to win that kind of money, so I did what most good frugal females do, I Went Shopping!! Oh, I did forget to mention that if you do choose to "cash out" they take your name, address and social security number, then at the end of the year you get what they call a 1099 form to claim those winnings as income. Why does the government have to have their hand in my pocket even when I am on vacation.
On another visit my husband did win several $1000.00 spins on the wheel. On this particular game they have a "Wheel of Fortune" symbol and if you get that you get a bonus spin from the wheel. If you are playing the $1.00 slots and you hit the $1000. guess what you win!!! Yes, very fun!!! He isn't as greedy as me so he sometimes plays more and gives half of it back. You don't get those big fancy places in the middle of the desert from giving people money to take home, do you??
So, who wouldn't want or need a Vacation just about this time of year? I know its cold where you are or colder than it should be where you are so how about thinking about a vacation.
Many of you haven't been to my part of the world but there are a lot of people who come to my part of the world for their vacation. I know a lot of people have gone to the Northern Outer Banks of NC, but you really need to explore going a bit further south to Emerald Isle, NC. We have a great family beach with plenty to do, if you like to golf or sit on the beach there is something here for you. We have a Historic Civil War Fort, a state Aquarium and plenty to do to keep you busy.
People are finally thinking about their vacation...... our phones have been busy and houses are filling up fast. You can go to our website at www.bluewaternc.com to see what we have to offer. We are only 6 hrs from DC and 7.5 hours from Pennsylvania visitors. If you bookmark us you will find that we run specials. Ending today you can get $100.00 off your vacation cost if you book by today. Who knows what next month is, but you can book an oceanfront room for one night or more or a house for a week or more. Good thing is we have something for everyone.
So, who's on board for a vacation? I know I am, and if you plan to come here, let me know, I'll see what I can do to help you find a deal on some of the best vacation real estate in NC. We may not be Vegas, but we have a lot of fun things to do and if you really want to gamble, I will be sure to get you some lottery ticket to take your chances with.
Best of all when you take your vacation with Bluewater you can see some of the most breathtaking sunsets like the one in this blog taken last evening. You will fall in love with our little area, but remember don't keep it a secret, tell everyone you know!!