Tuesday, January 11, 2011

This and that.....

It seems that I kind of have a lot of things to share today so I am going to call this post just "This and that"
I recently had some blood work done for the screening of the digestive system. As I sat in the office of the Nurse Practitioner giving her the history and background of my uneventful health history, she starts quizzing me on why I take iron supplements.
Basically I had to have a transfusion about 5 years ago for an operation I had (elective) and so after that my doctor suggested (not prescribed) i take Iron supplements to boost my iron. Like a good person I take calcium, vitamins and so Iron wasn't a big deal to me.
From that she moved into the fact that I may have a problem with my system processing Iron and that she wanted to test for Ciliac's disease. Holy crap..... I have gone from having an Iron deficiency 5 years ago to this? I tried to explain to her that I didn't have issues anymore and pretty much quit taking it. Yesterday after the test the doctor said all was well, no problems with the blood work they did and but there was a request to have a follow up with this nurse practitioner. WTH is what I said when I got home and coherent. (Of course they tell you this info when you still have the drugs in you and you can't remember a thing they said). So, being the non opinionated person I am I told my hubby I wasn't keeping that appt. it was useless for me to drive an hour both ways to listen to some results they could call with. Today they did a followup call on the procedure and I told the girl to have that lady call me. She called and asked my concerns.... my biggest is the fact that because I had an iron issue 5 years ago and suddenly now I have her checking for this that and the other. From this conversation she says she doesn' t have the results yet but if they come back with questions she may schedule and Endoscopy. Hell NO we weren't going there!!! I told her that I tried to explain to her that I don't take the iron on a regular basis and I wasn't getting into all this and that I felt like she was reaching and creating some issue that wasn't there. Honestly. I am more fit than most 25 year old people and am proud that I don't have issues I am certainly not joining her bandwagon to find something wrong with me!!
Needless to say she was a bit taken back and now we will wait for her results and then if there is something to discuss she will let me know and send the info to my regular doctor for follow up if needed. Holy crap no wonder our heathcare system is so screwed up with people creating issues all the time... Just for the record I am not a good patient at all.
So, from that note, no just because I have good insurance, I am not on the bandwagon to make you be able to justify your exsistance at this office..... Whew what a hassle just to do this stupid procedure!

On another note I my daughter and son in law bought a house recently and they have had some issues that required them using their "Home warranty". Last week it was electrical and it was fixed in one call. This week it was plumbing, no water was leaving the toilets.... not good with a 7month pregnant woman in the house!!!
Several calls to the home warranty people who just happened not to have any "contractors" in Wilson and they got someone to come help. Of course yesterday during the snowstorm and ice coming it had to be handled quickly, They were to call for an authorization before they had the work done and after an hour of being on hold they told the guy to do what he needed to do.
So of course using a jet versus a sewer cable was the wrong option and at 8pm last night I have one very hysterical 7 mo. pregnant daughter with a $500.00 bill in hand and a warranty company stating they wouldn't pay the bill. OMG when will this end I thought!!!
I can say I called and emailed my local lady and she responded immediately and today they have said they would pay half of it because of the delays and lack of response on the warranty peoples part. Home warranty's are good but be sure the things that can happen will be covered because they also have a cracked sewer pipe between the house and the street that isn't covered.
So today all is good the commodes are flushing, the pregnant daughter is all smiles and the warranty company came thru!!
All is good, but I won't hold my breath because something is always happening..... who knows how much the cracked pipe repair will be.
I'll let you know the outcome soon...........


  1. You might want to get a second opinion (closer to home!) about the iron issue. Dave wasn't diagnosed with HIS iron problems until he was in his 50's and normally women don't show symptoms (or blood issues) until then as well. Better to be safe than sorry. Too much iron can damage all your organs without you being aware of it...too little is easily fixed. Good luck! C

  2. Yes I'm sure this woman will share the results but I'm hoping she will just make a phone call. I've not had any real issue, its just the way she approached it.. I was put off by her and I'm not out looking for her to find problems but my doc does bloodwork once a year if there was a concern I am sure we would have addressed it long before now.

  3. I'm standing up yelling Bravo and clapping my hands. Totally agree with you Sandy. I promise you without question if it was ME in that Drs. office I have no doubt nobody would suggest anymore tests. WHY? Because I have no insurance! After 50 you can and have had books written on what could would and even should break down and need cked. If you have insurance you will be running back and forth to the Dr. having tests done and low and behold surgery will be needed or you will be diagnosed with something. Stand up for your health. Not putting doctors down by any means however some will scare the heck out of you and convince you that you need pills or surgery. J
