I asked myself this question this morning after watching Charlie Sheen on the Today Show. I was watching the different parts of the interview he gave to the reporter that they were airing today. I must make it clear that I have watched his show some, and never really saw the humor in it, but others I have discussed this with today think he is so funny.
What is so funny about a man who obviously thinks he does no wrong, makes millions of dollars a day and feels like the world owes him the respect? What happened to the old saying of you get respect when you show respect?
From what I have seen the past week or so is a man who is definitely in denial that he has a substance abuse and sexual abuse issues as well as anger issues. From calling into a radio show and basically trashing the people who support him on his show to the producer. Today he said he was going to change the name of "Warner Brothers to Charlie Brothers" before the weeks end. He trashed the producer and said it was his fault that the show was cancelled for the time being because he didn't have a script for them to tape. Well, if I was the writer and my main character was acting like Charlie Sheen, I wouldn't have wasted my time to write another script for him either.
I have said maybe we all should forget about him and not show him the media attention he is so desiring.. It seems the more the media covers him, the more outrageous things he says. Think about his father and children who have to live with his reputation. The reporter asked him if he would be ashamed that his children would read about this later in life and he said " NO, it will teach them that I am right and they are wrong".
Believe me that whether or not he continues on TV, I won't be watching, but then again I didn't watch to begin with. I thought a show about a guy who slept with different women, abused his mother and brother and did the things that he does on the show in front of an adolescent boy is not the kind of show I want to watch. You may have your own opinion, and I would love to hear it.
I think they need to start a show about how much the Movie/Television/Celebrity business screws up decent people in this world making them think that they are above and beyond the standards that all of us have to live by. Such people who could be on this show are, Lindsey Lohan, Tiger Woods, Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen and I am sure you can think of more.
For many of my friends and readers who have beaten drug and alcohol addiction or any other addiction for that matter, I know they are appalled by the things he had to say about AA programs and the sort.
I know that everyone is entitled to their opinion so I decided to let you know mine!
I agree with everything you said except that I honestly believe that show is the funniest thing on TV...the kid and maid got the BEST lines and I didn't watch it for Charlie as much as the peripheral characters. I think they need to fire him (let him sue...he's dug his own grave with his words already) and write him out of the show. Other shows have continued when a main character dies/leaves. It won't be the same, but the humor could still be there. IF the show comes back, I'll seriously have to think long and hard about watching it though...he's losing respect of the viewers quickly. I haven't spoken to ANYONE who has an ounce of respect left for him. I feel sorry for his co-workers who are some of the best actors in the business. C