Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Holiday season!

Its very hard to believe that just a few weeks ago we were sunning on the water and enjoying the warm weather. It has been raining in NC for several weeks now off and on and if I had to guess we might have had about 20" of rain in the past month. It amazes me that the ditches on the island are still full and it doesn't seem to be going away. They have been pumping Reed Drive out for awhile now so cars can pass down that road.
Today the weather was unusual.... 70 degrees today! But..... (there is always a but) it was rainy again and then tomorrow the high is to be in the mid 40's. So, tell me is there any wonder that we are all sick and never getting well?

Well, I am finally done with the decorating that I am planning on doing this year. My boys will be spending the holiday together in Houston with their wife and girlfriend and my grandson will be in Pennsylvania visiting his other grandparents. So, we are here with hubby's boys and their families and my daughter and her fiance. But on Christmas morning it will just be us. Krista is going to stay with her father for Christmas eve to enjoy her little sister on Christmas morning. Hopefully Santa will leave some presents for Sawyer here so when he returns he can have his Christmas here with me. Unline last year, I will not be getting him any cowboy boots. That was just a disappointment for him.
I have been cooking cookies and Chex Party Mix, as that is my specialty! I will make us a Christmas dinner or maybe we will go to the Waffle House for our dinner!
One thing my daughter and her fiance decided to do is forgo presents for each other and take the money and give it to someone who needs it more than them. They have picked out a waitress that they know who is a single mom and am going to give her the money instead. Now isn't that amazing?? I am so proud of them for thinking of doing that. That is Christmas,sharing the love of God and making a sacrifice for someone else.
What way will you show someone love this holiday season? Think about it and what you can do for someone else. Just when you think all else is lost maybe you can spend time at the homeless shelter, the soup kitchen, grab an angel from the tree and give someone else the joy of the season.
Remember while you are out shopping, stressing or putting the emphasis on the wrong things of this holiday that we need to remember the Gift that God gave each and every one of us. Give a part of your holiday to someone who may need it more than you.