Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I was sitting here today and started to look at the photos on my desk. Yes, I am a picture taker from way back. I really think that I should have chosen to be a photographer instead of a Realtor. I love to take pictures because if you think about it, that is the only way to keep a record of what you were, what you did or how it was.
When I was little, the memebers of my family would always comment that if the camera was close, then Sandy was making a pose. Now, I would beg to differ on that!! I liked to be sure that when I looked at those photos later on that I wasn't doing some crazy face or something like that! So, I guess I was just a cheery kid who liked to get her picture taken. I like to update my pitures weekly if I can or whenever I get a really good one. I try to take pictures of the kids all the time because as time goes on you can see how they have grown and matured. Since my parents died when I was young (under 10) I didn't have the chance to be able to remember how they changed as they got older. I now make sure that even if my mind goes bad, I can at least look at the pictures and see how "it used to be"!

Which brings me to my family..... being the youngest of 5 children there are certain advantages to this. Mostly because after my brother John Scott passed away 4 years ago, we remaining brother and sisters have tried to be sure to stay in touch. John was kind of a loner and didn't have a lot to do with the rest of the family. I think I was the last one to actually have a visit with him about 7 years ago. He was a big guy and had a gruff attitude towards everything. I guess you may call it negitive,I just called it Scott. He was a good hearted person based on what his friends said but I think his hardness came when he became an orphan like the rest of us at age 13.

My oldest sister the one who held us all together when we were kids is getting ready to celebrate her big 60 birthday. One thing she has to look forward to is that she can realistically be called a senior citizen!!! I have to joke her because my brother Mark and sister Jaye, (who all are older than I ) have celebrated their big 50th birthdays in the past few years as well and I still havent!!! So when the AARP stuff comes to their mailboxes they know that I still get "Teen Beat" magazine in mine!!

They are my family and I love them all, but like to rub it in a little that no matter how hard they try to make me feel bad about it, I am the baby and still havn't turned 50!
So, next year when the big 50 comes, I still have a defense, I am still younger than them and no matter what I always will be.

I just was thinking of what kind of present I could get someone turning 60? I guess its probably not any different than someone who is turning 59, but for some reason I feel like it should be a momentous present. I do believe that on her 50th I sent her a box of dead flowers!! I know, it was not a nice present but I do believe I did get her something really nice in addition to the flowers.

So, when you think about your family and start looking at those old pictures be thankful that you have the pictures to look at. Yes, we may have big hair, duck tails or even the wings of the 70's but we have pictures to look at. I tell my children all the time, you had better get along with one another because they are your family.... and you will be with them for the rest of your life!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well... I'll have you know I still get 'SEVENTEEN' all the time in the mail.
