Monday, January 17, 2011

Rainy Days and Mondays

The title reminds me of one of my favorite singers The Carpenters and their song Rainy Days and Mondays always get me down. Today was both! It started out a bit sunny but very quickly it became cool and cloudy with lots of rain. Nothing really hard coming down, just constant! I am sure glad its not like last monday when it was snow coming down. The rain has assured us that the little bit of snow that was left on the shaded areas of the sides of the road are now gone! Too bad, I really enjoy the snow and we have had so much more than what we have had in the last 22 years!! With that said not only did we have rain on a monday but then my son called to say that his little guy was not feeling well and was running a fever. :( I was sad as we were going to hang out a little and he was going to play with his cousins, Ben and Connor. So, instead I went to his place and we played Yatzee. He hasn't played this much but he caught on really quickly and ended up beating me. No, I didn't let him beat me, he actually got a Yatzee and pulled it out by 5 points!!
Just got the call from his mom that he has made it back to the DC area and is headed home to get ready for another week at school. I really miss that little guy, he brings such joy to me and my hubby and we love having him here. Won't be long that the nest will be filled with another little screamer when baby Bailee arrives in late March/early April. I am sure there will be days when I think what was I thinking wanting another baby here!!! :) I just love them and can't wait til everyone brings me more babies to hang out at my house. I am so looking forward to next Christmas!!
So, did you watch the Golden Globes? I caught some of them, and wondered how I have missed so much on the TV and at the movies. We go to the movies almost every friday night but somehow I missed the ones that happened to win. I guess either the romantic comedies aren't good enough to win awards or maybe they just are boring. I noticed that many of the winners I hadn't even heard of those movies or shows. Like Boardwalk enterprise or something like that??? Finally after last years awards season I decided to watch the show Mad Men just to see why they won so much!! Not bad by the way.
I guess if the Housewives of Beverly Hills or New York were more interesting they would be winners and I would have a good reason to watch the awards shows. I can only see the lady from Beverly Hills carrying her little pooch dressed in a matching outfit walking up on the stage to accept her award for being so rich and full of Botox and fillers that she can't break a smile!!
I'm sure that they will never even be in the running.
One show I am going to watch tonight is "Harry's Law" which is about a woman judge who happens to be played by Kathy Bates. I love her and think she will be good. I believe it is written by the same people who did Ally McBeal and LA Law. Check it out or DVR it on NBC.
One thing I think everyone needs to do is to check out the cable system in your area for a channel that is called Primetime On Demand. It totally removes the need to DVR anything and to go back and watch up to 4 of the most recent episodes on most of your popular channels without any commercials!!! Yes, the day has come you can watch it the whole way thru without having to fast forward or watch any of those 10 minutes of commercials. Check it out, you will be glad you did.
Well, lets hope that the rain goes away and the sun shines again. It almost felt like we had a heat wave this morning with the temperatures in the high 40's!! That is so funny because we have never had this much cold for this long in North Carolina, but isn't it all about EL NINA or something like that????
Hope your week started out good, and if your Monday wasn't good then I pray that the remainder of the week will improve as the days move on.
Until the next time...........

1 comment:

  1. And we're just sitting here waiting for the snow to fall, and then the ice that's to fall on top of it. Winter isn't over by a long shot!! Glad all you got was rain though...And the Golden Globes? I watch for the TV shows, although we don't have HBO or any of those channels so many of the winners were from shows I've never even heard of. I'm glad Glee won though-love that show!! C
